This family in Bear, DE was so much fun to work with. They were looking for some updated family portraits, and a couple of individual images of each of child. I set-up my portable studio in their beautiful townhome in Bear, DE. After moving a couple of couches out of the way I set-up my backdrop and lighting while the family finished getting photo-ready. The girls were about 2 y/o and 4 y/o and are full of personality and energy. We had a fast-paced session with lots of bribes of ice cream for a job well done. Grandpa was on hand to jump in a few family photos, and some photos with his daughter and, grand-daughters. I always love it when we can get a few generations in the family photos!
At each session I capture classic portraits and make sure I capture some selections that capture the family bonds and individual personalities. This family loved the images that captured the personality!. They were very happy with a selection of a few classic family portraits and lots of portraits showing their family’s unique personality!

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